Person who investigates and settles auto insurance claims.
An appraiser appointed to resolve an impasse in a dispute (e.g., the value of a claim) between you and your insurance company. The dispute resolution process is described in the Arbitration clause of your policy.
Authorized driver:
Someone permitted to drive the Motor auto as specified in the Policy and Summary and Schedule to the Policy. These can be identified individually by name or some other common characteristics (see the Summary and the Schedule) and they must also be the holders of valid driver’s licenses for the class of auto to which the Motor auto belongs. The insurance is invalid if the Motor auto is being driven by someone who is not an Authorized Driver. An Authorized Driver may not, unless the Policy says otherwise, be:
- under 25 years of age or over 70 years of age, or
- a learner driver
The document issued by us to you and which is required by the applicable law(s). Unlike your policy, you must have your certificate (or cover note, which is a temporary certificate) safely stored in your car at all times. It is the document that the police or relevant authority will require you to show them as evidence that you are in compliance with the appropriate law(s).
A comprehensive policy includes third party coverage and insures you against damage to your car and to other auto s.
The amount of money that you will have to pay repairers for fixing or repairing your car as the result of an accident. You will also be responsible for this amount in the event of the total loss of or damage, by any means covered by your policy, to your auto . It is the dollar amount for which you are responsible in the event of a covered claim. There is no deductible for third party coverage.
An alteration to the wording of the Policy noting a change in terms or details of the Policy.
Geographical Area:
The Cayman Islands.
Saxon putting you back in the same financial position as you were in immediately before the loss or damage for which you have an admissible claim (noun = indemnity).
The person or entity identified as the policyholder in the Schedule of the Policy.
The Motor auto (Third Party Risks) Act, or any amendments or revisions to that Act, including its regulations.
The driver’s license together with any necessary permit as required pursuant to the applicable laws of the Geographical Area, other than a learner’s permit, issued by the relevant licensing authority
Market Value:
The price prevailing on a auto in the Cayman Islands of the type and in similar condition to the one that you have insured with us, immediately before the accident giving rise to a claim, and which would likely have been agreed between a willing seller and a willing buyer.
Period of Insurance:
The period of time covered by this Policy, as shown in your Schedule, or until cancelled. Each renewal represents the start of a new period of insurance.
The contract of insurance between you and us to include the proposal form, policy, Summary, Schedule, Certificate and any Endorsements or other amendments to the policy from time to time.
The sum of money you pay, or agree to pay us, in exchange for us granting you the insurance coverage.
Restricted or Open Policy:
In a restricted policy, the Authorized Drivers of the Motor auto are restricted to particular named individuals. In an open policy, anyone who is a valid license holder and between the ages of 21 and 70 is an Authorized Driver.
The part of the Policy headed as the schedule. We will issue one Schedule irrespective of the number of Motor auto s you have insured with us.
Your wife or your husband by a marriage union recognized by the laws of the Cayman Islands.
The part of the Policy headed as the summary. We issue one summary for each Motor auto you have insured with us.
Third Party:
The legal minimum for driving in the Cayman Islands. Third party car insurance covers your liability for injury to others (including passengers) and damage to other people’s property.
A unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor auto s.
Your Estimate of Value:
The estimate you have given us of the value of your Motor auto . This is not necessarily the amount you will receive in the event of the total loss of your Motor auto . The amount you will receive in settling a total loss will be the lesser of your estimate of value provided on the proposal form and the then Market Value adjusted for factors such as depreciation and the application of your Deductible. Your Estimate of Value is the maximum you can receive less the Deductible.